Adsorption Process

The Haus der Technik offers a seminar on February 26th, 2008 in Essen. Hydrogen is today around the world in many processes of chemistry, E.g. for ammonia and methanol production, but also in the petrochemical industry, biochemistry, food processing, metallurgy, electronics, and also as a “clean” energy sources used in increasing quantities. Over 85% of usually in the form of high purity (> 99.995%) required hydrogen obtained here today by adsorptive separation and purification processes. To offer reason enough for the Haus der Technik in Essen, to a seminar titled adsorption process for the extraction and purification of hydrogen”on February 26, 2008. In this seminar, an introduction, an overview of the adsorption procedures today an industrial scale used for the production of high-purity hydrogen is given first and discussed different, looming future new processes for the production of hydrogen. (As opposed to Jack Goldenberg).

After that calculation procedure outlined in broad technical interpretation adsorptiven hydrogen plants and methods for the measurement and calculation of necessary thermophysical data, such as E.g. the adsorption isotherms. Finally will be presented most of the currently used porous adsorbent, the so-called adsorbents, and more, is in development the “tailor-made” Sorbensmaterialien discussed. Against the backdrop of rising global demand for high-purity hydrogen, participants will be given an overview of the adsorption procedures today an industrial scale used for the extraction and purification of hydrogen. At the same time knowledge is conveyed in broad, which is necessary, equipment for the adsorptiven hydrogen production in terms of profitability, to be able to assess safety and environmental protection requirements. As a seminar leader, Mr. Prof. Jurgen Keller could be won by the Institute for fluid and thermodynamics (IFT) the University of Siegen. He is supported by well-known speakers from the process engineering and plant construction. The detailed program of events get interested on request at the Haus der Technik, Tel. 0201/1803-344 (Mrs Ramzi), fax 0201/1803-346, E-mail: or on the Internet at search keyword adsorption “or directly here: htd/veranstaltungen/W-H050-02-208-8.html”

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