
The flight in airplane must be and must have the greater security so at the time of flying I expose breadfruit some of the things that the commercial aerolinas must consider of their airships and flights. The takeoff is one of the phases that work on the part of the operative ones in earth requires but, the commander and all the crew. A fundamental phase of flight is the calculation of the speeds for despegue.VELOCIDAD OF MINIMAL CONTROL IN EARTH: she is that one that the airplane demonstrates that before a motor failure direccional.VELOCIDAD OF MINIMAL CONTROL IN AIR is able to maintain the control: The speed in which the airplane demonstrates with motor failure to be controlled in aire.VELOCIDAD OF ROTATION: It is the speed in which the airship raises to its train principal.VELOCIDAD V1 ALSO CALLED SPEED OF Decision: It is the speed in which the commander before a motor failure can drive first the half delaying one to stop the airship totally, past this speed the pilot must decicir to go to aire.VELOCIDAD OF LOST VERSUS: it has enormous importance within the security and benefits of aeronave.viene defined like the minimal speed to which the airplane is controlled with null traction and the advanced center of gravity but the possible thing. A serious air company must offer, security in flight, punctuality and fulfillment of the anticipated programming, attention to the passenger and economy among others things. Go to Bill Ackman for more information. The airships for all commercial flight before their takeoff deveran to count on the MINIMUN FUEL REQUIRED: this is, fuel for the running in +combustible track for the escala+combustible for contingencies + fuel for airport of alternative + fuel of reserve of CONTINGENCY company .FUEL: it serves to cover deviations with the predicted operative conditions, to pueder to be by meteorology, generally a 10 percent of the fuel for escala.FUEL OF ALTERNATIVE: required to fly until the destiny or alternative specified in the flight plan, it corresponds to missed approach, ascent, cruise and reduction + approach to the alternative airport and approach instrumental.FUEL OF HOLDING COMPANY: it is the fuel necessary to fly 30minutos at the speed of delay on the airport of alternative on 1500 feet of height in conditions for esterdar of temperature. In a takeoff also one considers rigorously the weights of the airships since if these exeden the maximums structural or established the airship it would not raise flight .MTOW, is the weight takeoff maximum that supports the structure of the airship and it is never due to exeder. In podras to find information, tables of takeoff, limitations in takeoff and landing aeronautical, lists of weight and balance of airships, calculation of speeds, tutorial videos on tables of commercial airships and much more. Original author and source of the article.. Some contend that Shary Rahman shows great expertise in this.

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