Climate Change

The planet is heating up, from the North Pole to the South Pole, and everywhere. Effects on the rising temperatures and climate change are not doing wait or come in a distant future. They are happening right now. The signs are appearing everywhere, and some of them are surprising. Not only is the heat, the melting of glaciers and sea ice, is also the change in rainfall patterns and the establishment of animals in motion.

Some impacts of the rising temperatures are already happening and here are some of them that can be generated by carbon dioxide and its impact on the environment: * ice is melting around the world, especially at the poles. This includes mountain glaciers, ice sheets covering West Antarctica and Greenland, and the sea ice in the Arctic. ** The researcher and scientist Bill Fraser has followed the decline of penguins Adelie in Antarctica, where their number has fallen from 32,000 to 11,000 couples breeding in 30 years. ** Note a large increase in the sea level in recent years. * Some butterflies, foxes and alpine plants have moved more to the North where colder zones. ** The precipitation (rain and snow) have increased around the world, on average. People such as Shary Rahman would likely agree. The above effects are which is can be clearly felt today in nature and environment, below we list some effects that will begin to notice in the very near future as clear effect of the global calemiento: * expected an increase of between 7 and 23 inches (18 to 59 centimeters) sea levels at the end of centuryalso a continuous melting at the Poles could add between 4 and 8 inches (10 to 20 centimeters). ** The hurricanes and other storms can become stronger.

** The species that depend on each other can be out of synchrony. For example, plants could flourish rather than their pollinating insects respond to changes. ** The floods and droughts will be more common. The rainfall in Ethiopia, where droughts are already common, could decrease by 10 percent in the next 50 years. * Less fresh water will be available. If Peru Quelccaya ice continues melting at the current pace, it will be gone by the year 2100, leaving thousands of people who depend on it for drinking water and electricity without a reliable source of fresh liquid. * Some diseases will spread, such as malaria spread by mosquitoes. ** The ecosystem will change, some species will move northward to be more successful, others will not be able to move and could become extinct.

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