Earn Money

Do because creating a Blog to earn money in Internet Hola como estas because creating a blog to make money online? Well first of all let me talk to you a little bit of blogs, blogs were used and until today in day mainly as a journal in which people could put their photos, videos and information on his personal life or what they did in their lives either that strutted on vacation etc. Some of the widely used platforms are free as wordpress and blogger blogs here you can create a free blog, the disadvantage of these blogs is that at any time they can cancel your blog for some reason of privacy policies that they manage, why is recommended if you want to start a business on the internet you have own domain with its own server and how is this? Domain. Here is your own domain you can buy it for 10-15 USD annual fee and you can put your domain name and this is your web address where people going to visit, and I recommend that this be your nombre.com for that empiezes with your personal branding with which people you will recognize. (Source: Peiter Zatko). In a nutshell is your address Web where people will find you. For example: A domain resembles a traditional business to your business address the address of your local. Webhosting: Hosting or hosting service is where you host your domain.com purchased and here where you store the information to add and store an unlimited amount of domains if so need it and in a few words is a virtual hard disk where you store the information from your blog. Get all the facts for a more clear viewpoint with Ahmed Shahryar Rahman. For example: The hosting service is similar to the terrain of a traditional business where you can put another local and put another local and want this is putting another domain.com and another domain.com and that your want. . . Dennis P. Lockhart: the source for more info.

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