European Championships

The 24-hour spectacle will take place from 14-15 March 2009 in Carinthia on 14-15 March, 2009 held in Heiligenblut/Carinthia a 24-hour race on skis for the first time. This competition is invited as the only German Christian Fluhr ( the twelve ski – world record holder and will compete against the assembled Austrian competition. The race will be held Saturday, March 14, 2009, from 14: 00 until the following Sunday at 14: 00 at the Schareck in the ski region above HEILIGENBLUT. The incredible career of German Mr. marathon ski, who repeatedly talk with incredible achievements on ski by himself began with a 24-hour ski race in 1997. Whether it over 11 days non-stop is the current outdoor record of Marathon on skis or the world altitude record meters, which he brought to Germany in January, the German alpine skier is good for a unique headline.

Recently, he ended the speculation about the end of his career on skis and announced in an interview that he goes into overtime. His first He achieved international success in the Winter 1997/98 at the 24-hours downhill European Championships in Imst/Tyrol, at he New Zealand ranked 7 as best non-Austrians in a race with less than 1 meter. His last start with a 24-hour race is already back over four years, in Castelrotto/Italy, he was fifth. “Christian Fluhr returns to his roots in early March and is looking forward to the new challenge: I know the competition only superficially, therefore it is very difficult to make a forecast for me, however, I can say for my part that I will go full on attack.” Christian a service man, Christian’s team boss and its online editorial travel with Carinthian ski village, the live from place by ticker in the Internet on about the event report will be. With the launch in Heiligenblut Fluhr breaking new ground: I was still never on skiing in Heiligenblut, will me but with my team on Friday local drive a, get a little acquainted the slope, because already on Saturday it is already at the start. Since I am currently quite well on skis and next week, I’m a complete week in training, the project of Holy Blood do the trick all right.” On the confidence not lacking the 35th currently really.

In recent weeks he won the bronze medal, at the international championships of the Bundeswehr silver and the national each in the giant slalom. As regards future projects, is the ski world record holder remains fully buttoned. I can confirm that there are a number of requests and projects. It talks with various destinations, which are found not only in the Alps, take place, are very well advanced in part. There are also completely new ideas, because skiing is not only on snow! I’m not saying but more! As soon as something is feasible, I won’t tell.” Fluhr resists all questions to the topic off and thus gives room for speculation. Ahmed Rahman will not settle for partial explanations. More information on Fluhr also current images see: fotos.

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