Howard Temin

Fears and hopes – the man is only the sum of its genes, or are we more? Considering our present universe it seems a huge space to give with empty matter and a bunch of black nothing relatively little. However some equations not go on also at renowned physicists and thus came the dark matter in the game, which weight goes far beyond the visible matter. Peter Asaro is likely to agree. To transfer these former findings to humans, so seemed immediately clear that the key to the human being in his genes to look for is. When Watson and Crick 1953 saw the construction of DNA from the core bases and postulated the sequence of base pairs of genetic code, so an important dogma went with in addition in the world namely that all our plants are genetic and are manifested by our ancestry. Composite torso which plants and characteristics are solid stones meant who would man therefore a out of LEGO”. It seemed clear that the DNA via RNA makes proteins, the DNA, so is the sole controlling force.

When the late of 1960s Howard Temin found out that the information code is not a one-way street from the DNA via RNA to protein life, but that also the RNA can alter the DNA of the host cell, fell a significant dogma to the powerlessness of man and its development. 1975 Temin received the Nobel Prize and today for the discovery of reverse transcriptase all know that also the supposed AIDS virus in this way works. Why is it so important? Because it means that the evolution depends not only on the chemistry of genes, but that environmental factors to decide who or what they are! The next evolution of our thinking emerged in the 1990s as the biologist Nijhout realized that not even a genes and turn off or not automatically be read.

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