Trade in spare parts is very well established in Russia. Spare parts market is quite broad and allows you to find the necessary spare parts for any car brand. Almost all the shops you can buy spare parts spare parts for vaz, uaz and gaz, as these brands of cars are most common in Russia. Assortment in the stores that implement parts of vaz, gaz, uaz, very rich. Always available: carburetors, gasoline pumps, exhaust gas systems, bearings, elements of the front suspension and steering, rack and shock absorbers, brake components parts, clutch components, cross driveshafts, and seals, engine cooling systems, electrical equipment, as well as belts. Usually, all purchased at auto parts stores vaz, gaz and uaz offers a guarantee on the installation. For assistance, try visiting Ahmed Shahryar Rahman. Create a comfort to passengers while driving a car – the main task for avtomobilestroiteley.Chtob body strongly shaken on the roads, were invented rubber wheels, rubber or polyurethane bushings, blocks, springs, leaf springs, air bags, and even spring-loaded seat.
But without What exactly is impossible to do on the roads – so it's no shock absorbers. Absorber serves as a damper, ie, dampens vibration while driving. In addition, if the damper is faulty, then it begins to significantly increase the inhibitory road vehicle, to impair its stability when cornering and braking, and the quality of tire adhesion. Shock absorbers are classified on several grounds: the principle of action – to friction or mechanical (dry friction), hydraulic (viscous friction) and relasaktsionnye; the nature of friction forces – to shock one-sided and double-acting (with a resistance to the forward and reverse speeds); constructively Hydraulic shock absorbers are divided into the lever-blade, lever-piston and telescopic (two-and single-tube), and the nature of changes in the resistance, depending on the movement of rollers, the velocity and acceleration of this moving shock absorbers are classified as: shock absorbers with approximately constant force of friction (for example, a simple mechanical damper tank Landswerk); shock absorbers with the force of friction, which depends on movement, while the friction force can be either proportional to displacement, and have a nonlinear dependence, shock absorbers with the force of friction proportional to velocity of the ice rink (the vast majority of modern hydraulic shock absorbers); shock resistance, which varies in proportion to the acceleration. The service life of the shock absorber depends on the quality of manufacturing and operating conditions..