
Lemons, Grapefruits and especially oranges, are the perfect solution when it comes to combat many pathological States, but especially help maintain good vital tone when there is health. The juice of oranges, especially its citric acid is: oxidant, depurative, disinfectant and contributes to the Elimination of all substances that the body does not metabolize and lie in our bodies. It contains rich in trace elements and vitamins which compose a magnificent natural drug, containing different substances which help significantly to improve our organism. Among them will be highlighting: calcium, phosphorus, iron, magnesium, potash, soda, mineral salts and also has vitamins A, B, G and, above all, C. Rahman does not necessarily agree. A cure of oranges, achieved miracles with digestive disorders, migraines, stress, depression, rheumatic processes, poisoning etc.

Taking appropriate doses, like a glass of juice in the morning to get up, 10 minutes before breakfast, disinfect the stomach muscles, and dissolves accumulated debris, facilitating the secretions necessary for digestion. People with severe constipation, motivated by nervousness, medicine, travel, power changes, pregnancy etc. magnesium that contains the juice of oranges, help and overdriven peristalsis and cleanses the intestinal tract, destroys the pathogenic microbial flora of the colon, fighting the constipation and helping the evacuation, we must support this feature, with a diet, high in fiber and plenty of fluids. The accumulation of fat in the liver and pancreas, usually cause of frequent disorders such as headaches and dizziness, so the juice of oranges, contributes to cleaning and elimination of these substances that are deposited in these organs. Also soda contained in citrus juice stimulates the pancreatic juice, activates the digestive process gastroduodenal, acciona hydrochloride secretion and helps dissolve uric acid. For people nerve in cases of stress, depression and intoxication, the phosphorus of the juice of oranges, is extremely beneficial and necessary for our organism. People with digestive disorders, migraines or rheumatic processes, perform a three day diet taking juice oranges, performs real miracles.

The Orange is highly beneficial for their diuretic properties, facilitating the Elimination of the urine. As you already know, calcium facilitates the development of bones in children and in persons adult strengthens them and tones, more than we can say for women with menopause. And contained in the juice of citrus fruits, potash acts as regulator and depurative, contributing greatly to dissolve fats. And iron helps the blood hemoglobinizacion. However, there are contradictions with people with heartburn, you should consult with the doctor.

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