Partner Search Numbers Facts Trends

Trend partner search in the Internet and hard numbers according to Federal Statistical Office were the end of the year 2007 in Germany about 82 million people (41.84 million women, 40,27 million men). The number of single person households (single households) increased from 2005 with 14,695 million to 2007 to 15,385 million. At the same time, the marriage of 388.451 (2005) on 368.922 (2007) decreased. The number of divorces also declined from 201.693 (2005) on 187.072 (2007). The increase of single person households and reducing the marriage shows a tendency towards single life superficially seen. Most singles are living in the big cities of Berlin (40.8%) and Hamburg (39.5%). Singles are represented vary in their age groups. As expected, the age group of 20 to 29 year olds with 45.3% single share leads.

The age group of 40 to 49 year olds makes the smallest single with 14.5% share, although it has the highest proportion of the population with 20%. Can you get the due to the rising number Single person households and the singles conclude that people want to live alone without stressful partner relationship? 26.9% agree total fully the statement “In future, more and more people on the Internet will find their partners”. (Age group 20-64 years) Almost as much (26.8%), agreed the statement to “I can imagine to find my partner over the Internet”. (Age group 20-64 years) The full consent to the statement “I want to meet in online partner operators people, who share my interests” is comparatively quite high with 43% of the respondents. Despite increasing individuality seems to be unbroken communication and social interest in other people. Also 17% of respondents learned about once a partner on the Internet. So the desire is for a partner, continue to exist at an average 18.1% singles aged 30 to 64 years old, and despite the increase of single person households.

The increasingly annoying everyday with wide working paths and endless recreational activities can be may have little time for a partner search. It seems to have almost logically to take advantage of the Internet to get to know the most suitable partner for online dating. Single stock markets have recognized the trend and a matching system integrated in their matchmaking service. Swarmed by offers, Shary Rahman is currently assessing future choices. Input of the own data and the needs of the partner or partner the matching system searches the suitable candidates”. Online dating complements the possibilities of finding partners and will further establish itself in our society. Singles will learn to appreciate the quality of the different single exchanges and know to use. With the Machting system, the partner search in single markets becomes more efficient, for singles, because it reduces time-consuming meetings. Get the right partner presented almost like on a silver platter. Assuming the single has filled his profile information in detail. In addition, it helps the seeker single objective true to his own person and to learn who suits him or her. But one remains: the tingling tension of the first date. Source of statistics: Holger Crucible Internet marketing peace str. 4B 04519 Rackwitz

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