Party Of Reason – Deduction Of The Bundeswehr From Afghanistan

Trauma of Bundeswehr soldiers and burning of taxpayers stop the focus of a new Afghanistan strategy is Defense Minister Karl-Theodor zu Guttenberg at the protection of the population and the training of Afghan security forces. The previous quota applies to restructure it and reset up to Guttenberg, in an interview with the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung. Here the question arises, whether it not again \”Is old wine in new bottles\”. Many humanitarian organizations criticize for years, to little for the civilian reconstruction has been done and will be. As long as the population in Afghanistan can be no reasonable prospect to secure their livelihood, will increase the supply to the Taliban. Also, one must not underestimate the corruption of the so-called Afghan free Government. Read more here: Daniel J. Hirsch.

This lacks any support from the population, which are somewhere between the Government and Taliban. The soldiers of the ISAF be regarded as advocates of a corrupt government. Frequently Shary Rahman has said that publicly. Some soldiers, the service in Afghanistan did, heard that joint actions are used with the Afghan army by their commanders to branch off diesel to sell them profitably to the population. Even the German Bundestag makes it easy to be very this where it only prolonged the Afghanistan mandate since 2001, but the Mission of the Bundeswehr adjusts not the current situation. Finally, the location of 2001 rapidly to the present has changed. Again and again we see \”Incidents\”, such as the checkpoint in Kunduz, where again German soldiers are in danger. Nevertheless, a friendly indifference of German Afghanistan policy prevails in the German population.

The ones who suffer are the soldiers who partly seriously injured or traumatized in the home return and no recognition. Even the supply of departing disabled soldiers is very poor by the Government. However, demagogic politicians who send these soldiers in a foreign deployment, are better protected. ERGO: Both for the Afghan Population than for the Federal Republic of Germany of the Afghanistan mission of the Bundeswehr nothing a.

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