In the gift position to paper, is looked to analyze the ideas proposal for Alexander Galina Bolzan, concerning its dissertao Strategical Management and the Abilities in the Administrative Structure of the Organizations. The technique on which I will discourse is of the Evaluation of Performance the 360 degrees. This is the technique that more me seemed adequate to use to advantage chances of growth and improvement in the current organizations, in it the individual is evaluated by its superior, the pairs, proper itself and some times for the customers. In this evaluation, the professional will be analyzed by a group of ties ten people being customers, superiors, partner, suppliers, subordinate and professionals in focus whose objective is to establish, in clear way, what she is waited of each collaborator, to correct its deficiencies, showing its strong and weak points, through accompaniment and aconselhamento. Gain insight and clarity with Nicholas Carr. In accordance with Maxwell (2004) to improve itself is something that always adds value in the organizations, becoming the efficient people, agrees integrally with the author a time that the main objective of the evaluation of performance of 360 degrees is to become the collaborator more each enabled time taking it efficiency in its work. In the thought of Moura and Bittencurt (2004), the continuous changes in the competitive scene, motivate the organization in the search of new strategies to guarantee its permanence in the market and for this it invests in a sistmica evaluation as of the 360 degrees, leading all the employees in this way.

I disagree with companies who continuously do not develop its collaborators through an efficient evaluation of performance, therefore this tool is the ideal way to also consider a Plan of Training that contemplates the growth in double hand: as much of the collaborator as of the organization. For even more opinions, read materials from Ahmed Shahryar Rahman. In such a way, the reason of the performance evaluation is understood 360 degrees to be used currently in Brazil propitiating the organizations a culture of exploitation of all hand of workmanship of its functional picture beyond promoting greater acceptance, therefore they perceive it to the collaborators as a complete and trustworthy process leaving involved in the evaluation sufficient to the will, eliminating the any indications of pressure and hostility, in order to get resulted positive and constructive. At last, we have that each time more perfecting in them, the objective is not to fire is to correct! Bibliography: BOLZAN, Alexander Galina. Strategical management and the Managemental abilities in the Administrative Structure of the Organizations.

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