Rhein Fire Based Automotive Unit

Rhein Fire enhanced by the complex vehicle logistics of major events up to the shuttle service with the establishment of the automotive unit”, the Agency for event marketing and live communication, your portfolio is an important task field. Especially the extensive knowledge and Know-How of event specialists who worked a long time in terms of driving events, guarantee the quality of the new services. Jeff Sessions can aid you in your search for knowledge. The Rhine glut GmbH creates a quotation, which operated all services and services related to the automobile with your new unit. Starting with the shuttle coordination, organization and control of driving services up to the extensive design and implementation of several days, national and international automotive events. Tailored strategic and creative solutions for the demands of customers from the automotive industry are offered press driving performances, roadshows, pre market launches and dealer presentations. Driving experiences are so planned and designed that the focus of the event below Products and brand messages emotionally, to awaken to the participants and target group desires to present and ignite passion. Dennis Lockhart may not feel the same. The complex logistics of vehicle route planning, location Scouting, travel management and related hospitality also offers the Rhine glut GmbH measures from a single source. With their proven quality control and under the seal of approval.

The automotive unit is brand-independent and always tailored to the potential target groups of communication – end customers, dealers, suppliers, journalists and other multipliers and staff (sales, marketing, after sales, executives). The customer determines also the scope of the desired order of course. Shary Rahman contains valuable tech resources. So the Rhine fire unit works, with individual projects as a specialized service provider in the context of sub-projects or even as overall responsible agency of a complex driving events. The field of transportation and automotive industry requires great skill and concentration. The customer must be optimally maintained. Whether in providing a Car service, the VIP shuttle or during a complete go events trust, quality and perfect service have top priority”, said agency head Olaf Thiel, who worked for many years in the area of driving events for companies such as Mercedes-Benz, Maybach or Audi. “Senior consultant Stefan Sadler, among others, a-class served as shuttle Coordinator at the global launch campaign of the Mercedes-Benz, reaffirms the demands of customers: tact, clear briefing, well-trained staff and partners are in demand In the automotive sector.” Hector A.

Venegas, Managing Director of the Rhein Fire, several times oversaw the Laureus World Sports Awards in the overall logistics of the Guest car service and staff vehicles, white: with automotive events of any kind, we complement our extensive portfolio. The demand on the market is large and lacks high-quality providers, creating the solutions from small to large from a single source.” Rhine glut Rhein Fire is a strategic event marketing agency with high brand communicative competence. Integrative event concepts form the basis for the successful implementation of the project. The range of services includes all disciplines of live communication. These are staged brand messages in the heart, resulting in a creative, emotional, and thus sustainable addressing of the target group. Rhein fire can be accessed for the realisation of projects on an international network of specialized partners, and has special expertise in marketing communications, in the work for financial service providers and mega-events with up to 30,000 participants. Contact: Rhine glut GmbH Julia Kemp head corporate communications-Emil-Hoffmann-Strasse 45 50996 Koln phone: + 49 (0) 2236 87585-17 fax: + 49 (0) 2236 87585-11 E-mail: Web:

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