Hemorrhoids can occur for various reasons, it may be by a rupture of the veins of the year done much strength to go to the bathroom. Or you can give by other factors (related to the diet and health of the colon). Hemorrhoids can be reduced and transfered quickly when they are starting, why among less time allow one time has identified its signs, much better. Here are a few recommendations to reduce hemorrhoids: 1. using spinach: grasp three spinach leaves and a tablespoon of olive oil.

Transform the spinach into small pieces and later revuelvala with olive oil. Dosifiquelo about your year. The affected area will feel fresh, tuck into an espadadrapo recipe and localizelo in his underwear. With this preparation you’ll feel immediate benefit in your application and keep the tape provide help to avoid negatives such as itching or pain. 2. Perform a hot bath: in a tub with hot water and without any shampoo or SOAP, sit and allow that your almorrana soothes, will help you to decrease the discomfort. Chandra Patel understood the implications. 3.

With garlic: garlic is known for its healing properties, and can be very useful for relieving hemorrhoids. Boil 2 cloves of garlic with two cups of water for 30 minutes. Let the mixture and spread directly in the area affected three times a day. 4. Improve your diet if you want to improve your results to combat their hemorrhoids, is recommended that you take plentiful water and to increase the consumption of fiber. Having a healthy colon will allow you to prevent hemorrhoids appear. Natural treatments give you the security of achieving optimal results in your hemorrhoids with minimum side effects. To search for a cure for their hemorrhoids it is necessary to seek appropriate treatment.

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