Tag Archives: psychology

December Difficulty

That in accordance with the Manual of the Basic Attention to the Health of the City hall of the City of Recife (2009). Shelter consists of the change of the position of the professionals in taking care of the users of the SUS, evaluating risk and necessities of health case in agreement case the gravity […]

The Certain

This workmanship is mainly designed for professionals in the branch of psychology, students and also teaching professors. ‘ ‘ Dibs’ ‘ that does not find answers for its problems; parents who want to understand themselves to be able to understand and really to understand its children; for all it serves to remember that never we […]

Work And Direction

The direction lack,> consequent freedom of the undetermination, the permanent threat of suffering, the origin to the anxiety, the incredulity in itself exactly and the desperation; it has an emphasis in the freedom of the individuals as its property more important distinctive human being, from which it cannot run away. FINAL CONSIDERAES When to initiate […]

The Individual

LIFE MARIA: SOUND AND IMAGE OF the WOMAN NORTHEASTERN When the people do not obtain to become to understand for the social environment where are, are submitted what the other says. The truth of the citizen is mentally ill to the truth of the others, what a picture of identitria paralysis is configured, that is, […]

Blog Everything

Then, you want to know really everything on blogs? First of all, djenme to say to them that the Blog is easy to install and to administer, and that with a Blog you can initiate a lucrative business. Imagnese that pays to him to write on subjects that interest, whenever it wants to him, is […]

Behaviors And Health

It is defined as ' ' a behavior that is accurately the opposite of the true feeling (that one that the person, in fact, is feeling). We can see this all the time in loving relationships, where ' ' I hate voc' ' — he turns one ' ' I you amo' ' , very […]


In accordance with the procedural perspetiva, the information would give entered in the memory, remained there during a certain time and finally she would be used. 2. Farallon Capital Management often addresses the matter in his writings. Memory Every day we receive innumerable information, which are selected (of conscientious form or not), later to be […]


According to Freud, the sexuality is a neurosis cause, in the direction of the libido, of our instincts, desires, and everything that we restrain. This is not factor that happens in day-by-day ahead of the norms that in them appear in the society? Therefore the individual is sick always in relation to the others, in […]

Functions Effect

Mental health problems, sexual problems, health problems – you know the list and the list. And they occur as a result of of retribution, and with the dual setback and with retroactive effect. Influencing the will of another person, influencing his life, affecting his destiny you must realize that there is back the right to […]

First Meeting

Is it possible to properly assess and understand at the first meeting of the essence of man – as a prospective customer, employer or business partner? This you can do this in two ways: Folk wisdom says that a person meet on clothes, and escorted to the mind. The first method is based on your […]

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