Tag Archives: Technology

Comand Center Meeting

In times of otimizao, rationalization and reduction of costs. The eighth edition of the event will be carried through in the Hotel Caesar So Paulo Business So Paulo Av., 2181. The Frum de Gerenciamento Corporative eGovernana goes to debate the current world-wide economic scene and the soluesadotadas ones for the companies to reduce costs, to […]

Billboards Warnings

What has made lately to present their emprendimiento? It has used business cards, pamphlets, folders of presentation, warnings in mass media, guides claypits, fairs and exhibitions? I propose to him that campaign is added/sunk to continue finding ideas to promote its business. Today the invitation is to talk on the billboards. They can do much […]

Waste Recycling Styrofoam

Reuse of waste polystyrene foam to a binder in foundry VS Doroshenko, AA Stryuchenko Physico-Technological Institute of Metals and Alloys of NASU, Kiev Polystyrene (colloquially called more foam) has been widely used in the world as a material for packaging and food preservation. This fact underlines the hygienic properties of polystyrene, the material properties which […]

Refractory Materials

The value of the building materials industry in our country is huge – from their production levels depend entirely on the pace and quality of construction works. The main areas of industrial and technological progress building materials are creating new and improving existing processes, providing production of products with minimal energy, material and human resources; […]

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