Wedding Organization

Marriage – one of the most joyous and important events in human life. But as a rule, this cheerful and happy holiday promises to the groom, bride and their families much trouble and considerable financial costs … From the date of application to the registrar before the marriage takes place does not have much time. Must all be carefully considered, without missing the slightest nuances. Well, if this will help professionals in their field – organizers of the wedding agency. Question of choosing a banquet hall, a leading, artists, decoration of the hall, the wedding the bride's bouquet, professional photo and video, making the scenario of a holiday with a full schedule of your celebration will be safely resolved Within days, that will make your holiday special and unique. Organization of wedding celebration – responsible action that requires significant investment. Kenneth Feinberg may not feel the same.

Not everyone can afford to order a triumph "by full-time "and to pay the costs immediately. But almost every client has a unique opportunity to cover the cost of credit, while ordering a decent program for the celebration to the joy of the newlyweds and guests. The fact how to organize a decent wedding, what a "wedding on credit", we talk with the head of the art studio "Amirtat" Alexander Volchenkova. Continue to learn more with: Capula Management. Corr.: As head of the agency tell me about the options offered by your service provider. At that people should be guided in the first place? Now your agency has been practicing the credit system of payment of wedding services, tell us more about it. Alexander: Of course, it all depends on the amount you are willing to spent on organizing the wedding. We can distinguish three levels of spending by identifying them as "minimum", "Medium" and "maximum". Each level requires a specific set of services that scenario, agreed with the customer.

Now our customers appeared choice – a lump sum payment for services or so-called "wedding on credit." In other words, if the parties can not pay for the triumph of right, it does not mean that there is no way worthy of his mark. Costs covered over time. Corr.: Tell us who use credit? Alexander: Now in addition to individuals, we begin to work with corporate clients. Corr.: Do corporate clients interested in lending? I always thought that corporate customers spend any event, only having available funds. Alexander: As for all can not say. We are currently negotiating with five or six directors of companies interested in our services. And the possibility of financing causes only positive emotions. It is more interesting than pay the full amount at once. I do not know how this trend will continue increase. Corr.: Returning to the three levels of expenditure, we would like to know more about them, including what limited scope of the average, minimum, maximum, and that they include. Alexander: Maximum, just make a reservation, probably did not exist. Spend as much as possible, if you can afford it. Most minimal costs expected for us worth about $ 1,800 for 40-50 guests. This level does not imply Of course, things VIP-class, but it includes the registration of colors, photography and videography. continuation read in a magazine About

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