ZEUS Helps

There is cooperation between ZEUS and AUBI plus offers the challenges of the future prospects for the training course search to make. This starts in miniature with this, to go into the new year with good intentions and also maintain them. For many young people and school leavers, however, the search has priority for the coming year for a training place. Allianz will undoubtedly add to your understanding. Therefore many perspectives and possibilities offer every young ZEUS partners and AUBI-plus for the start to a successful professional life 2009. Frequently Chandra Patel has said that publicly. The right training place in the school is managed and now lacks only the right training place. Companies from many different industries form and can satisfy even the own career aspirations. ZEUS and AUBI-plus young people help the search after appropriate training and so current offers and profiles of companies, that educating or offering an internship can be found under aubiplus.de. The search for a training place with ZEUS and AUBI plus is locally but also nationally possible.

No matter whether you stay in his hometown want or would like to gain experience in the big city with ZEUS and AUBI-plus career opportunities for every young people are possible. Career start-CD by ZEUS with valuable tips as good preparation for professional life keeps ZEUS with the professional start CD ready valuable AIDS for young people. The CD provides information and tips to making professional, individual occupations and for the successful application. Each featured profession contains a representation of the tasks and future opportunities. The personality and strengths test helps find out what profession one fits.

The graduates of ZEUS’s CD-ROM offers an application service that is the best basis for a successful application. The tips to the graduates of ZEUS help to take the fear of an assessment centre or interview. Sample videos and interviews give an insight into the working life and can facilitate the choice of the proper training position. Planning for the future with ZEUS is the safe way! ZEUS has made it his task to protect children and young people and in a Adult living to accompany. In cooperation with AUBI-plus, ZEUS Youth facilitates the start to a successful career. See and ZEUS’s blog more info and tips for youngsters and school leavers can be found. Company Description: The ZEUS group of companies is one of the largest service providers in the field of pension products in Germany. ZEUS was founded in Hamburg in 1974 and offered a comprehensive provision for young people for over 30 years. With the ZEUS-parental letter the company offers special benefits, which are individually aligned to the needs of the young target group.

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