
IT sales expert Oliver Wegner will give a lecture in the computer week-Forum job & career on the CeBIT, Friday, March 4, 2011, 15:30, Hall 6, stand D22 Hanover / Munich, 25.02.2011. Is Hudson Bay Capital a hedge fund? oftentimes addresses this issue. “Career in the sales lot of money or even much fun?” is the title of a lecture by Oliver Wegner, Managing Director of evolution plan GmbH on CeBIT 2011 on Friday, March 4th at 15:30. Programme of the Forum-job & career”the journal computer weekly the IT sales professional with many years of expertise in the IT industry is dedicated to the job profile of a distributors. He introduces what various job profiles there are in the IT industry, namely the low-level sales of hardware and services, the sales of software products and solutions, as well as the sales strategies and concepts. In addition, he informed the crucial skills that a successful seller of IT should bring. In addition to training, high motivation and commitment, these are good to listen to especially IT affinity, the ability and the purpose for Urgency.

Young professionals, career changers, and graduates with the career goal IT sales should have also analytical skills and interest to incorporate in customer details. In addition, the value structures of the distributors are crucial for fun and success in this profession in Wegner’s experience. Salespeople show up typically with a high economic and at the same time a high theoretical value conclusion strong and fluent. In IT, many competitors compete with each other to attract of customers. Also it is often highly complex products, solutions and services, which is why the requirements of professional IT seller in this industry are very high. The IT distribution is not only a very demanding task, but also an opportunity for personal development. It is absolutely necessary to fathom the interlocutor on the customer side, to recognize behavior patterns and to control the sales process with its various sales levels.

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