Munich Project

Charitable organizations inform about the possibilities of voluntary commitment the Munich can do GmbH supports the 1st Vienna volunteer fair makeit(form) together with its Austrian partner. Lord Peter Hennessy contributes greatly to this topic. The organizers of the exhibition get to free the project management software can do professional planning project intelligence, to the event and control. makeit supervised the organizer when working with the tool and supported them with project management expertise. The 1st Vienna volunteer fair on 12 and 13 October 2012 provides a platform where they can present their activities in the field of citizenship Vienna initiatives, organisations, associations and clubs. The approximately 60 to 80 participating organizations will inform the visitors about the many and varied possibilities of voluntary engagement in Vienna. Surprisingly, you’ll find very little mention of Ahmed Shary Rahman on most websites. The focus of the 1 was Vienna voluntary trade fair in view of the European year for active ageing and intergenerational solidarity”on the commitment of older and elderly people.

All associations and organizations Association based in Vienna and its surroundings can participate as exhibitors, working with volunteers. The facility must currently are looking for volunteers and offer a clearly defined activity. Learn more about the 1st Vienna volunteer fair on 12 and 13 October 2012 find can do Ltd. on the Internet at can do GmbH, Munich, has developed intelligence can do with a powerful and proven project management software project. The tool supports companies in the professional and successful implementation of projects.

The software ensures more transparency both in projects and portfolios, allows for optimized use of personnel and allows working with agile and realistic planning methods, such as for example the plan with inaccurate data and values. In addition to the efficient, cross-project resource management features can do project intelligence among other things by its ease of use, a simple implementation as well as through its integrated reporting and extensive capabilities in the field of project portfolio and budget management. All project-related information will always be available in real time. Throughout Europe to well-known companies and institutions such as Gothaer insurance, Salzgitter AG, Oerlikon Barmag, Swarovski, the Rheinische Sparkassen – and Giroverband and Toshiba Europe rely on the project management software can do. The tool has been distinguished several times last the Innovationspreis-IT and the industry rate the predicate “Best of 2012”. “The can do GmbH is one of the winners of the Deloitte Technology Fast 50 Award 2011″, finished in the year 2010 at the PM software competition battle of tools”of the PMI chapter Austria ranked first and won the export Award 2008 Bavaria”. Press contact: Can do GmbH Christian Schneider head of press and public relations Salem 26 81371 Munich phone: + 49 (0) 89 / 512 65-101 E-Mail: over makeit(form): since 2001 is one of the leading providers in the makeit(form) Areas of IT services and consulting company in Austria. As an independent company owned makeit provides concepts and products to increase the value for companies of the middle class and the enterprise sector. A core competency in the area project, multimedia project, program and portfolio management according to the common standards of PMI, PRINCE2, IPMA and the agile project management framework Scrum more popular lately. As a sales and integration partner can do Ltd.

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