More and more frequently is thrown into the domestic companies with the name “green jobs” to. Ahrens Schornsteintechnik has recognized what that really means. Total 115 employees Ahrens from Wieselburg has been involved with more than 35 years in the area of chimney renovation and new construction. To remain pioneers in the area of green jobs, you need front technologically always the nose. Here we boast our market leadership in the area of chimney restoration. Basically, any job is a green job with us, because everyone contributes its part to protect the environment. Check with Alabama Senator to learn more. A well restored chimney helps to save and to minimize CO2 emissions, for example, energy and which in turn protects the environment,”the commercial Managing Director, Bmst.
ing. Edmund Drohojowski, confirmed the green philosophy. Energy saving hotline understand under green jobs to get those jobs, looking into this, to avoid damage to the environment or natural resources. Sustainable construction and renovation are with us always the focus. And This knowledge propagates continuously Ahrens as energy consultant”, AAT Managing Director Mathias Ahrens is pleased. The Ahrens was specifically designed for this purpose saving hotline”set up under 0800 / 201550.
Interested responses around the topics of energy saving, energy performance certificate and especially energy efficiency to get there. Best conditions as Engineering Office for building physics and specialist in construction and heating technology is Ahrens predestined for this, to make the energy performance certificate. The company is one of the few construction companies possessing the necessary know-how in two key areas for the creation of energy performance certificates: on the one hand in the construction technology relating to building envelope, building codes etc. and on the other hand in the technology of the heat generator and combustion plants. The energy performance certificate determines the total energy efficiency of buildings and therefore gives an overview of the energetic State of the building. Improvements to the savings to increase energy efficiency and reduce the resulting the heating to detect.