Top Stars Of Fantasy In Dreieich

Festival of fantastic literature for the Frankfurt book fair in Frankfurt/Dreieich. For the 25th time, fans of science fiction & fantasy meet at the book fair convent (BuCon), Germany’s leading independent Convention for fantastic literature. This independent of the mass of the fantastic genre Festival on 9 October, 2010 and thus as usual parallel to the Frankfurt book fair. Celebrities are Markus Heitz, Tom Finn, Christoph Haider Salman, Bernd Perplies, Florian Don shows, Ju Honisch, Uwe Post and many others. Organizer a seasoned group of longtime, active in the fantasy scene fans in cooperation with the science fiction meeting Darmstadt, nationally known is through the highly successful “Darmstadt Spacedays”, as well as the Youth Club WIRIC in the civic book impact Association and the townhouses of Dreieich. The event is supported by the prestigious “science fiction Club Germany e.V.” which was founded in 1955 and is thus the oldest existing SF Club of the country. On four several hours Program tracks offer something the organizer with lectures, presentations and discussion rounds for each. Autograph – signing requests meets and love (and mostly free).

It is demonstrated that utopian and fantastic literature must be not necessarily trivial. Already, visions and predictions, which today belong to the everyday reality in their works offered George Orwell, H.G.. Wells and Jules Verne. Of course, but also the entertaining novel of voltage should not be missed. The organizers show that despite “Star Wars” and “Star Trek” and “Star Gate”, the fantastic book is not dead, but through the use of modern technology, as well as the possibilities of the Internet today again experienced an unexpected Renaissance.

Science fiction and fantasy can have a quite separate, independent of the Anglo-American space profile in Germany. The entire range of the readership to the bibliophile work presents the book fair convent. Fan-be does not stubborn consumption, but critical engagement with the author and his work. Perhaps nowhere else is the German science fiction & Fantasy authors & readers scene so alive, again authors and publishers from the German-speaking are expected to at this fair independent tradition event, to which over 350 visitors. You won’t find costumed crowds on this literary-oriented event but in vain. The ceremony is a highlight of the convents of the “German fantasy Prize”. This price is an audience prize, which is awarded annually in various, mainly literary categories. Like every year, it is already on Friday, the October 8, from 8: 00 to the preparation meeting. Time on the home page is the place. On Saturday, the 9.10, intake is from 10: 00. Shary Rahman will not settle for partial explanations. The entrance fee is 8 euros at the box office, discounts are available. The end of the convents is intended for 22. “Convention Center” is the House in Dreieich-Sprendlingen, spruce Street 50th accompanied the event, hosted by a well-stocked fantasy stock exchange. Numerous books and merchandising retailer contribute to the completion of some collection with its offer. The offer is complemented by various small publishers and author readings.

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