Website Setup

Assume that we already have a domain name and website in development. And required the submission of HTML. Start at the training content, kotoroya is the most important component, and its layout. The text must be new and useful for the reader. In the tag will be most important phrase or word to the home page.

A common mistake Optimizers – only for the pages. Ltd. 'Informtehservis' in the titles of many pages on your site. This is extremely Noninformation. In the tag 'description' add even more broad description page web-based resources. Chief of Staff has similar goals. In the 'keywords' exact words for this resource page. With respect to the visible part of the Resources page. The first title written in the title tag logic levels in the type of tag, …

There are six. But to show excessive zeal is not worth it. Three values of plenty. And does the job with the content. Highlight the fact that they would like to see the found search bot. Even if our resource was created through good cause Fanlight windows that do not mention the creation of 'translucent protective systems'. Trying to see the text could understand, with interest. The main words and phrases will mark the 'bold', 'italic' and 'Underline'. Do not fall in love! Do not forget about readability. Graphic content signing tagged 'alt' and the contents. Uncritically the existence of links. The main focus, of course, pay a home page and category pages. Is not recommended to place small text: wallpaper, tiny, hidden from visitors, but not on search engines, any prohibited method.

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