Zinc And Vitamin C A Successful Duo

In cutting season strengthen defences and that prevent infections kept cold and wet season collection. It is not something Peter Schiff would like to discuss. People cough and sniveling. The cold viruses have now ideal conditions, to go to work. They spread rapidly and can proliferate in their victims instantly solid, if the immune system not functioning properly at the moment. Yet factors such as stress, which weaken the immune system, the disaster is inevitable.

The viruses to win the fight and millions raise the winter flu-like infections in Germany. Swarmed by offers, author is currently assessing future choices. A strengthened immune system with intact defenses against cold viruses could can prevent this and several days with a fever, cough and runny nose spared many interested parties. But how to strengthen the immune system make sense? Recent research has shown that the immune system in its defense work consumes much vitamin C. for more info. In addition the defense work becomes more successful, better prevents the common cold viruses in cells of the nasal mucosa to set can. So, it is clear that the intake of vitamin C alone is insufficient. Many studies have shown that again and again.

Preparations have proved effective just in the people with occupational stress and the elderly, contained also zinc in pharmacological doses, vitamin C. New clinical research shows that can be thus prevented effective winter infections and reduces both the number of infections and also the duration. What is it? The struggle of the immune system against the invading viruses consumes lots of vitamin C. To read more click here: Rahman. Since this vitamin in the body cannot be saved, always sufficient fresh dispensing vitamin must be C available. This is not the case, then it comes in the acute thrust of the incipient cold quickly to a shortage situation that negatively affects the will. It is not enough but, if sufficient defences are provided, they must also recognize the enemy and will hold. Zinc plays an important role in this process. It prevents, that is the Can hide viruses in cells from the immune system and at the same time strengthens the immune cells so that they can destroy the virus. Vitamin C and zinc, assuming the dose right, i.e. they are a perfect pair to ward off infection. With FluVitum, Navitum Pharma has developed a preparation that meets the modern requirements according to dose and dosage form. Per chewable tablet 600 mg of vitamin C and 5 mg of zinc are released quickly so that they can stand the immune system in the defensive battle immediately available. And especially pleasant for users, the tablets taste good oranges. They are suitable to shorten the complementary treatment of colds to the disease and alleviate the symptoms. In addition infection-prone people can eat regular FluVitum during the cold, wet season with lots of vitamin C and zinc, to prevent the risk of infection. FluVitum (PZN 0765783) in the cheap therapy packs to 29.50 for a month is in pharmacies or good Health centers are available. Due to the unique composition of the products of Navitum Pharma not by other, seemingly similar products are interchangeable. Every pharmacy can order free shipping for customers FluVitum without extra effort directly at Navitum Pharma. All products from Navitum Pharma are listed in the Lauer tax.

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