Activities Contamination

The day, organized by the Valencian Catalan Autonomous Government and the Center of Tecnologas Limpias (CTL) considered with the aim of finding solutions and adopting sensitization measures on the problems derived from the acoustic contamination Control of the Acoustic Contamination: sound insulation, noise and vibraciones” it is the title of the distributed communication, the past Thursday 13 of May, by the chief of a main directorate of Audiotec, Ana Ester Espinel Valdivieso, within the frame of Environmental Acoustic seminary CTL in the Clasificadas” Activities; organized by the Conselleria of Medi Ambient, Aigua, Urbanisme i Habitatge of the Valencian Catalan Autonomous Government, in collaboration with the Center of Tecnologas Limpias (CTL). Espinel Valdivieso closed with its intervention the mentioned seminary – managed to people in charge of environment of small and medians companies, consultants, and technicians of city councils and public organizations, professional among others tie to the environmental quality, and whose objective era to find solutions and to adopt measures of sensitization on the acoustic contamination and the noise. The maximum person in charge of Audiotec, consulting company specialized in engineering and control of noises, indicated during his intervention in the mentioned seminary the importance of controlling the acoustic contamination in the activities classified (industry, the hotel trade, etc.) through three phases: The suitable accomplishment of the acoustic proyeto, with previous character to the concession of the authorization or environmental license; The accomplishment of measurements in situ ” , next to the communication of beginning of activity or license of opening; and the control and inspection, once the activity is in operation. In this sense, Espinel emphasized the relevance to count on a competent acoustic proyeto, since it is a form to act of preventive form (screened, dampings, etc.) and to avoid futures problems of acoustic contamination. In addition, Espinel also affirmed that other factors of economic type exist and office staff, as well as the contingencies derived from the phase of execution of the project, that advise that competent and specialized technicians in the matter are to the front of this type of projects. In the phase of execution of the project it is fundamental, according to indicated to Espinel ” to follow the instructions established in proyecto” , as well as to use the materials and constructive techniques advised by the experts who have redactyado the same and ” taking care of all the details that can affect the final result, such as acoustic fissures, bridges or damping of machinery, among others aspects bsicos”. Finally, the chief of a main directorate of Audiotec spoke of which along with the communication of beginning of activity, a report in which it credits itself, by means of measurements is due to present/display ” in situ ” , that it is counted on regulated the sound insulations to aerial noise, and the levels of sonorous immission in interiors and exteriors. And the control of the inspection on the part of the Administration once the activity is in operation. If you have additional questions, you may want to visit Federal Reserve Bank. In the Environmental seminary Acoustic CTL in the Clasificadas” Activities; also they participated among others expert: Jorge Lampmaker Lazaro, chief of a main directorate for the Climatic Change, Conselleria of Environment, Water, Urbanism and House; Oscar Recuero Fernandez, Head of the Department of Environment of ENAC; or Ernesto Cerver Meli, head of Area of maintenance of the City council of Cullera.

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