Monthly Archives: September 2012

Tie Rod Construction

In the port of hydraulic engineering is constantly applied berthing facilities in the form of thin walls with facial components, can serve as an example, revetment of a metal or concrete dowel of corner wall, etc. This is the most cost-effective and technologically simple construction. In addition, civil and industrial construction have also found application […]

Four Key Questions You Should Ask for Businesses

Every year millions of individuals answer "yes" to this great question and that question every year to cost them many new entrepreneurs money, trust, time and disappointment. The Small Business Administration estimates there are about 580.900 new small businesses opening each year. However, even if you are your business, your own boss is something you […]

Remunerated Surveys

– To make money answering surveys. It consists of answering surveys of companies of international stature (cocaine tail, accepted, panasonic, dell, burger king, etc), and with the simple fact to give our opinions – honest or we will not be generating income. There are surveys that offer different prices since the time of dedication is […]


0ccasional tragedy (Haiti) and proposital (War) Edson Silva Not I am satisfied myself with the fact to need to happen world-wide tragedies, as the earthquake in Haiti, so that the majority of the peoples of the planet if remembers that we form an only race (the human being) and if mobilizes in forces of humanitarian […]

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