Monthly Archives: August 2019

Master Annual Meeting

Already for the 19th time Congress takes place from 08-09.02 2010 in the Pullman hotel in Cologne a remarkable master annual meeting by the Haus der Technik. Still, many people wonder how easy it has come through the crisis. Multibillion State aid support banks and faltering companies. The economic crisis is in now in a […]

VCP Meeting

Neuro marketing expert Jan Weller to the successful brand management in the cosmetics industry Neuromarketing sets the actual point where, all economic decisions this world are made in the brain of people, point-of-sale,”says Jan Weller, pepper speech Managing Director of the Bremen neuro-marketing agency. For the cosmetics industry, which is confronted with a structural change […]


Man by nature is a social person, for this reason, communication to him – a natural necessity. And if, just 10-15 years ago, communication was possible only by direct contact, through a simple letter or on telephone, in our age of advanced technology communication goes to another level. On the one hand, computer technology as […]

Boris Krieger Works

And always – the holiday. Boris Krieger much is given. And he is quite aware. It therefore, the writer lives, works and works on the principle "To whom much is given – with him much." Boris Krieger refers to itself, ironically, to the world – a bit condescending, forgiving his weakness and people (who are […]

Outsourcing Or Development Staff Work ?

The term “outsourcing” literally translates as the use of foreign resources. In other words, outsourcing – the transfer is on a contractual basis to other non-core functions organizations that specialize in a specific area and have relevant experience, knowledge and technical means. Thus, outsourcing – a management strategy that optimizes functioning of the organization by […]

Tips On Finding Work

Let's be honest, everyone dreams about work, which they like to do and that brings a decent income, but few want to put maximum effort to achieve this goal! And actually what was happening, and what does a theme this, because everyone knows how to look for work: to write a detailed resume, beginning with […]

Workplace Benches

Each artist is, of course, dreams of personal workshop where you can work in peace, and no one will disturb him. In addition, the workshop will be only used for furniture and tools. There are many various furniture, which is used for arranging the workshops, and one such type of furniture – bench bench. Bench […]

Network Software Solutions

Now Any information, whether sensitive or not, without delay, reach the right people to you. You can also automatically request a read report warning to be sure that the recipient reads it, and not just clicks on the “OK.” With alerts, you can send letters to each user MyChat! Automatic contact list MyChat can automatically […]

Works Class

Pressure-suction hoses are used practically in most sectors of the economy. Pressure-suction hose manufactured in accordance with GOST 5398-76, are used as flexible pipelines for the transportation (via suction or discharge) of various liquids, bulk solids and gases. Pressure hoses are useful when you need to quickly connect any capacity for transportation of various substances. […]

Global Footprint Network

Main article: Appendix: cooking gas countries according to their ecological footprintAlthough the electricity ESCO ecological footprint aims to be gas mainly a quantitative indicator energy and precise, its main results have come as a conceptual framework for comparing disparate societies and assess their impact on the global environment. Basically agrarian life in a well-organized and […]

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