Barack Obama

This Mexican by the Constitution and election ceased to see the terrestrial light on November 4, 2008. Obama, an American by birth and by choice, saw the light of victory the same day. Mexicans interested in observing the development of the votes of the northern neighbor, that first Tuesday in November, in the afternoon, located just in front the TV, browsing the results flowing slowly, district by district, State by State, we went as bathed with cold to see and listen to by interruption of the natural day Chronicle, the news of the fall of a turboprop airplanesmall, on an area of the Federal District. Author can aid you in your search for knowledge. Not passed long time when newsreels occupied in showing the 2008 decision to American voters, recounted in what would be a long hiatus, the identity of the occupants of the damaged aircraft. The first name in heard was the young Chief governance officer.

Thereafter the population conclusions were easy. At least two of the servants who died in the event were white reiterated threats by groups of drug traffickers, in particular Jose Luis Santiago Vasconcelos, who by many years he was a key strategist in the fight of the State against organized criminals and who had suffered attacks and variety of warnings by malefactors. Since that time, and even after that the final official version of the investigations is given, I’m sure that much of the public hold the hypothesis (if it is not confirmed as truth) of a premeditated attack on the plane in which government officials were returning to their place of origin. We hope that the coincidences between Barack Obama and the late Juan Camilo Mourino have given and ended the same day. If it is shown that the latter died because of an action of their enemies, that will not occur that the first Black President of the homeland of Washington, by his ideas, decisions of Government, skin colour and ancestral origin, anyone offended by this achieved attempts on his life and cut his days on Earth never met each other. But although Juan Camilo never knew if Barack Hussein Obama eventually won the elections, Barack won and the next day in a communication with Felipe Calderon mentioned it for the Mexican leader to comfort by diplomacy. Our condolences to the families of the dead and to the Government of Mexico. Congratulations and good luck to Barack Obama. Original author and source of the article.

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