Behaviors And Health

It is defined as ' ' a behavior that is accurately the opposite of the true feeling (that one that the person, in fact, is feeling). We can see this all the time in loving relationships, where ' ' I hate voc' ' — he turns one ' ' I you amo' ' , very quickly. A related site: Pacific Mortgage Services mentions similar findings. Repression the repression is underlying in all the people, and is possibly the oldest psychological mechanism of all. The repression is defined by ' ' to keep restrained thoughts, emotions and overwhelming feelings in inconsciente.' ' It has had much controversy on restrained memories, and many actions at law are perplexos with the result of this. The memory of a girl who was molested, sexually, frequent, when it was a child will be able to become a restrained memory. The girl goes to forget this experience completely, restraining it. Only that, inevitably, the memory resurges years later. insights. The problem is that for times, it had cases of experiences resurging that they are not true.

All trustworthy restrained memories are not of e, to the times can be same lies. On the other hand, it had some cases of restrained memories being accurate. It is there that the animal catches: where it is Really? . SUBLIMING IS most efficient of the mechanisms of defense in the measure where it canalizes the libidinais impulses for a useful and socially acceptable position. The successful defenses can be placed under the subliming heading. This expression — subliming — it does not assign a specific mechanism; some mechanisms can be used in the successful defenses; for example, the transformation of the passivity in activity; the roundup in return of the subject, the inversion of certain objective in the opposing objective, etc. Suppression Is a predestinate mechanism to the failure that fell in disuse because of its total inefficacy. Nobody SUPPRESSES nothing of what he is psychological What it is intended TO SUPPRESS is converted into some of the psychological mechanisms above, described. Reinaldo Mller > ' ' Reizinho' '

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