Bokovtseva Alina

Such a problem is not the strength training, as intense and very short-term courses. However, “School headhunter” forms understanding of the technology of direct searching and provides basic skills to work on hantingovymi orders, focuses on the most difficult aspects of this work. Now, where to practice, practice, and again practice! It is desirable to obtain these skills, having good rekruterskuyu practice. Therefore, “ShKh” is recommended after the passage of the “School of the recruiter.” Recruiting – base. Headhunting – aerobatics. That study Recruiters at the “School headhunter”: What is the difference recruitment, direct search (Executive search) and headhunting? What is the specificity of direct search in Ukraine, and unlike foreign technologies. When you want to use technology to Head-hunting? Scheme of work Live search: “withdrawal” position, negotiation, effective communication with clients, analysis of public and private sources, the choice of methods of searching, identifying sectors, business sectors, companies, donors, where the “inhabited” appropriate specialists, training and development of “legends” … Secrets of headhunters: features of telephone conversations with the objects of headhunting, to overcome the “barriers” in establishing contacts in the companies, the sources, the main Error headhunters, negotiating tactics with the candidates, especially the interview with the direct search for, identify latent motivation of candidates (the use of NLP techniques, meta-programs), methods of concealment and cover up actions Recruiter, ethics and much more.

Much time is devoted to solving practical problems in conducting an active search operations. Enterprises, training of specialists for effective staffing agencies and services staff are so competitive in the “battle for staff.” Natalia Zaitseva conducts training – recruiter practitioner with experience in recruitment for over 5 years, senior consultant, business coach company “Navigator”. Some reviews: “The highly skilled, professional course, I have estimated at 5 +. Many new, interesting and informative learned about the method of “direct search”, for which many thanks! “Gushchina Liudmila N., Company “Yurimeks” (Kiev) “evaluate training at 5 on a 5-point scale. Very learned a lot and learned. I liked that it was not dry theory, and used role-playing games. The coach is very interesting, short and clear tells about the most important.

I liked the fact that actually saw their mistakes. That is, not only learned a new one, and realized that it was not right, “Hunt”. Organization – super! “Bokovtseva Alina, personnel manager, “Softline” (Kiev). “The form of training: fine picked alternation theory-practice. The content of more than a rich, interesting and informative. Co

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