Capital Letter PMDB

Therefore that the BBB is a phenomenon, it is the face of the Brazilian viewer. Information is another thing! For example: the Dilma to have invited vice Temer for and the PMDB for partner. it said that it went to think, to consult the party. It is in decline the Dilma candidacy We find that this the not emplaca Squid. It has the same right that we: a vote. We like it, but it cannot? to indicate president. Cursed the people whom he needs heroes.

E worse: negotiating in these conditions with the PMDB The PMDB is the corruptor center of the country! As majority party dinossauro and that is, always alienates who of it needs. Center pulls everything pro. Take-there-it gives-here, understands? will be thus for much time as it says the composer and singer Z Geraldo: ' ' The dull and senile elite, who loans support legal pra all badly of Brazil Worm take-there-gives-here of it, that vende the vote to veto the violence and misria.' ' The Homero writer Mattos in them sent a text that contained this information: ' ' He tells to the magazine Capital Letter (edition 594) that to the being informed on the inclusion of president Lula in the list of the 100 more influential personalities of the world according to reviewed Teams, the leader of the formerones (now DEMON) in the House of representatives, Pablo Bornhausen exclamou: the Teams was insane person or gained sponsorship of state Brazilian? ' '. Stranger would be if this politician found the inclusion of the Squid in this somewhat interesting list! Then, reading one another text, now of Francisco Carlos Teixeira, also in the site Bigger Letter of day 15/05/2010, we find the best explanation for this opinion of the Bornhausen: ' ' It is extremely interesting that the Brazilian of bigger prominence in the world today is a mestizo, northeastern, of origins pauprrimas and with deficit of formal education.

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