Cashrollen Supplies Retailers

The topic of Bisphenol A (BPA) in receipts keeps the retail world in breath. In frequent contact with the skin, the hormone-damaging chemicals can for example cause reproductive disorders. The topic of Bisphenol A (BPA) in receipts keeps the retail world in breath. In frequent contact with the skin, the hormone-damaging chemicals can for example cause reproductive disorders. The receipts in many supermarkets contain 1.5 percent average BPA. Continue to learn more with: Nicholas Carr. A thousand times more, than in the dummy bottles made of polycarbonate, which were already banned in several countries. Even if the EU sees up to now no need for action, the voices of those who free receipt demanding a change in the existing limits or BPA is accumulating. The till roll supplier Cashrollen keeps therefore from immediate receipt, containing no BPA.

The Hamburg-based company thus responds to the changing needs of the market and intends until end of 2010 to expand the range of BPA-free thermal papers. The main difference from BPA-containing receipts is located next to the Healthy factor”in the price. This is influenced by the more elaborate production, because of the color developer is significantly more expensive. Demand is likely beginning of 2011, to provide appropriate alternatives but at least, that decrease the prices for BPAfreies cash roll paper. Who is not sure whether he is in the possession of BPA-containing round, makes the heat test”with a standard lighter.

It turns over the flame to quickly and clearly, it contains most likely BPA. Since the middle of the year we receive from our customers increasingly questions whether we offer also BPA free thermal paper. I am therefore all the more that we now can provide appropriate receipts and thus a not inconsiderable contribution to use BPA-free receipts in North Germany.

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