Colombian Government

Then doubt the possibility of that is the FARC camps in Venezuela so serious a serious mistake? I wonder up to the trees know says Serra I wonder then myself myself, that much we know Colombians, the South American and the world of the certainty of truth of the allegations of the Uribe Government frankly nobody has that, but I would be more specific after rounding on the obvious that for all it is, the nursery school of the FARC is Venezuela and Hugo Chavez sunk up to his neck, and that as things go his circus is about to come to an end. Let us begin by knowing that the evidence I bring Colombia, they are based on testimonies of demobilised guerrillas and the Pandora box of Raul Reyes that eventually will end up being the flank more weak FARC, even spent two years of the death of the No. 2 of the guerrillas. As if this outside little, this so particular and controversial dignitary and his henchmen in more than once expressed openly and shamelessly, attachment and sympathy with the insurgency Colombian, leaving between said the alleged collaboration that his country gives to Colombia, to achieve peace. Recently Air Force Chief of Staff sought to clarify these questions. Note, that while there are no accusations as those belatedly the Colombian Government released to Venezuela in the OAS, Chavez maintains the same discourse of belligerence and fondness for the hostility that both proclaims, and when it happens otherwise, invents sprouted peace plans of his complex and emotional imbalance of personality superimposed on the Liberator. And is that Yes, more beyond compulsive obsession that has to dig up history and liberate the Latin America of the American yoke, Chavez, is an amateur Simon Bolivar, his prejudice with the Liberator is such that comes to compare his crazy and bewildered performances with the caudillo, (hehehehe) no this being both, has taken pains to exhume the remains of Bolivar, in its utopian conclusions on the death of the liberator, the idea of inventing that the Liberator was poisoned, think it is nothing more and nothing less, than Francisco de Paula Santander (known Colombian hero), adding then this to the long list of actions and comments shows clear and obvious of the anti-colombianismo of the aforementioned representative. His anti-colombianismo is so! that yes there are! These camps narco-terroristas in Venezuela, are maintained with State and national resources protected by the border guard and commit crimes with commissioned by the Miraflores intelligence support the number of camps aggressively increase to the point where not only are in locations near the border in common, but beset the Center and South of Venezuela, lambaste which in the future may bea re-armamento and reorganization of the FARC and a front approach towards sovereignty and democracy in Colombia. .

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