Create Interesting Blog

Today, there are lots of new blogs. Blogs offer individuals that would share information and experiences with your druzmi, as well as many of the Company's corporate blogs because it helps to attract new clients and promote the main site. By the way blogs on translation of foreign languages also enjoys popularity today. How to make so that the blog was interessnym and brought you a lot of readers? 1. The first thing to done when creating a blog – is to identify the desired audience. Think about what might interest your readers.

It is important that each one of your readers can understand what you write, even if it is not associated with this field. Intrigue and interest, do not lay out the essence of the first paragraph of the article. 2. When you write a blog post, be sure to post not too long and it is easy to read. Break posts into paragraphs with a maximum of 5-7 proposals. Too short post will not attract much attention.

3. In each post insert at least one image! Pictures are important, because it's the first thing readers see when the come to your blog. Pick image, which is suitable for the theme of your post. One picture – well, and more – the better. However, be aware measure. 4. Link to older posts. If you have already written about that mention in the message, a link to the previous article on the subject. So the reader will be more clear about what you write. And you get new readers to previous articles. 5. Make your god interactive. Northland helps readers to explore varied viewpoints. Leave the video and audio messages. Blogs mostly because reading for entertainment. 6. Update your blog at least 4-5 times a week. If it is not possible, then so be it. However, be aware that readers will be interested to see the same material several times. 7. Use the foreign-language materials for writing articles. Translate materials on the topic you are interested in Russian language and do rewriting. If you need a professional translation, always happy to help, please contact our agency.

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