Critical Studies

In this context the commercial industries, activities and other activities more do not go to restrict themselves to the centers of the metropolises, go to spread themselves for other spaces. You may find that Robert Burke can contribute to your knowledge. In this direction, the average and small cities had assumed important roles in the process of productive reorganization, what it culminated in the modification of its urban structure, redefining the uses of the ground urban, the logic of the centralidades and the relations time-space in these cities (SOY, 1993). It occurs then, it are of the metropolis, the emergency of new intrametropolitanos spaces with certain level of autonomy front to the metropolis and with being able to articulate other subespaos to its redor, being configured itself in what Soy (2000) called exspoles or emergent external cities. These cities possess a developed and independent central nucleus, reflecting verified the economic and space arrangements in the central nucleus of the metropolis, with the same functions, however, evidently with lesser sizes and scales. In the model of emergent external cities projected for Soy, it would have a commercial center, surrounded for a residential area of the elite and that it would have in its periphery an industrial district surrounded by a residential area of workers, with some enclaves of population of low income, called for the author of ghettos of the minorities, configuring itself as a supply of accessible and cheap man power. throughout. This model reproduces in regional scale, the organization model that before was only observed in the metropolis (SOY, 2000). The city becomes, thus, palco of a sequncia of espacializaes, that we finish to describe in the moving one of the evolution of the urban form, induced for the capitalist reorganization, whose main pado of expansion aims at to incorporate new areas in search of conditions of lucrative accumulations. Then, if before the reorganization of the capitalism, whose model if mantia centraliser, the raw material, the man power and the consumer went of meeting the industrial activities, commercial and other activities, in the new capitalist logic ocontece the inverse one, that is, occurs the geographic expansion of the economic activities that go of meeting to the cheap man power, the raw material and the consuming market.

In this direction, the urban space not only if extended for a much more vast area, as well as was deflagrou in many pieces.

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