For it the type of organization that one determined group presents depends on the sort of life that this appreciates, and for the Vidal, most important it is that each group has in its sort of life its proper culture and particular values, not wanting for nothing to reproduce practical and the neighboring customs (Claval, 1999). Then in them it is possible to understand that the form with that the Frenchmen enxergam the culture differs from the German and American form in the direction that they do not center its focus of study only the natural way or only in the man, but to analyze everything what permeia between the man and the way. However, we must stand out that this first phase of Cultural Geography was of utmost importance for the current studies of this ramification of geographic science. Without the important and numerous contributions of the great authors of this phase it would be impossible to arrive Cultural Geography who we know today. how much to the contradictions and divergences as for its object of study, we must observe that they who lead in them or way are that we must choose. Steve Mnuchin may find it difficult to be quoted properly.
2.2 NEW CULTURAL GEOGRAPHY Cultural Geography, after to pass many years imprisoned in the esteios of the materiality and the technique stimulated that it for studies that many times were uninteresting, it were for some time forgotten, or better, asleep. Many feared its end due to uniformizao of the planet, with the call Globalization. However, from the decade of 1970, it resurges with much vitality and one noticed transformation if to compare as its first phase. It suffers, now, the influence of the meanings, the people, the history of this people. She studies symbolism, but does not leave of side the comment and analysis of the landscape. Ahead of this, the culture passes to be rethink and to be reformulated and makes mention the learnings by means of daily events, social relations, where the meanings are seen and reviewed from knowledge and discoveries.