Digital Economy

Therefore we have that to be always open the favorable suggestions and the changes, remembering that I am not wanting to say that we must be submissos and omissive, we must be formadores of opinion conscientious and made use to face new adventures. What he really matters then? In the contrahand of all this problematic one exists professional of the computer science area that waits very of the administrators and that these in a future not very distant can help them in its days aiming at the corporative growth. A small example of this in case that he is that entrepreneur of century 20 that it obtained to acquire a considerable wealth and that now goes to all pass its patrimony for the great heir of the family and, is this that we are waiting we want to see expensive new with ready open minds to embark in the connected world where we live and we discard the ones easily that they are in the embroidery frames attending the things to happen. Click Senator Marco Rubio to learn more. Professional we of computer science know that the quality of the services of YOU and Telecom in a company depends on its management, that is, she depends on its administrators. Companies who possess rusted parks of computer science, Internet pssima, professionals badly enabled among others, exist for guilt of bad administrators who treat subject TIC as something that can be stops later and being decided by the face that learned computer science disassembling the computer of the uncle. One searches of the Economist Intelligence Unit carried through in 2010 points that Brazil was in 42 placed in ranking of Digital Economy, in this in case that this classification is not so good thus, therefore the country is parked in this position since the last year and the research reflects the maximizao of the economic and social benefits, that is, the Brazilian TIC swims can make if the companies to insist on cut of expense in the area knowing itself that when very invests in computer science this number are only of 6% of all its net revenue in accordance with the Annual Research of Use of Computer science of FGV (Fundao Getlio Vargas). To finish all this quarrel I I lock up saying that everything this serves to acquire knowledge them that YOU is an important subject and that the serious one in the academic centers must mainly be taken, therefore will be these people who will go to consolidate the computer science area together with the projects of technological growth so that our companies can be more competitive in a disputed market where the difference in the sending and act of receiving of Terabyte of information per day can be the reason of a company to be reference in development, quality of life and profitability.

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