Hashtag in Twitter: #acampadasevilla. Granada: Up to 800 young people they got to at night congregate of Wednesday in the place of the Carmen defying the prohibition of the Electoral Meeting of Zone on the encamped one. In the next hours prehorseradish tree to celebrate an assembly to decide its future movements, without a new one discards encamped or the call tonight, via Internet, of a manifestation for the day of reflection. Hashtag in Twitter: #acampadagranada. Santiago de Compostela: Young people equipped with knapsacks and coats to sleep have themselves installed in the centric place of the Obradoiro of Santiago de Compostela where they think to remain until Sunday, with concentrations and assemblies every day at noon and to the dusk for " organizarse" and " to decide directrices". Also in A Corunna, Vigo and Ourense several hundreds of people are being concentrated in centric points of those cities.
Hashtag in Twitter: #acampadaobradoiro. Valladolid: The Source Sea bream stays like place of the protests of the indignant vallisoletanos. Hundreds of people, between whom are adolescents and adults, are going in these days to concentrations in which mottos like " are shouted; There is no bread for as much chorizo" or " Without us you are not nada". Hashtag in Twitter: #asambleavalladolid. Santander: The Porticada place has become soothes of the encamped one initiated east Tuesday. The concentration of this Wednesday reunited to 250 people, practically the double of the pursuit that had the previous day.
Hashtag in Twitter: to #acampadasantander. Palma de Mallorca: Hundreds of citizens show their displeasure in the concentrations summoned in the Place of Spain, that has become another one of the scenes of the social calls to the pacific rebellion. Hashtag in Twitter: #acampadapalma. Murcia: The Public square will lodge from the 20,30 h of this encamped Thursday one of protest. Hashtag in Twitter: #acampadamurcia. Albacete: The place of the Hill will welcome one encamped predicted from the 20,00 h of this Thursday. About 300 albaceteos in center congregated of the east city Wednesday to indicate their displeasure by the deterioration of the state of the well-being. Bilbao: Tens of people remain encamped from Tuesday in the place of Arriaga. Las Palmas of Gran Canaria: In the place of San Telmo, a neighbor fortnight they are encamped from this Tuesday to maintain the protest against the political system who dominates PP and PSOE. Hashtag in Twitter: #acampadalaspalmas. Pamplona: Some thirty people began one the past encamped Tuesday in the place of the City council to follow the protest, with intention to maintain it until Sunday. Hashtag in Twitter: #acampadapamplona. All the information updated on the encamped concentrations and in the Spanish and European cities is available in blog put in march by the organizers. Source of the news: : The movement of 15-M acquires force in all the Spanish cities more and more