European Union

Latin America has ceased to be the continent’s political instability and economic crises and has become a region with tremendous potential for the future. Although it is true that hardly we can speak of a single Latin America. It is impossible to compare Chile with Haiti, although Yes we can compare Mexico with Brazil and these two countries can be compared with Spain or another European country. As for the European Union, it has grown in recent years to the time that has gone by reinforcing its ties with other parts of the world and increased their political influence. The EU is attempting to play a relevant role on the global stage. Its economic and social model has already proved to have a remarkable degree of success to achieve greater social and territorial cohesion in the bosom of the countries that comprise it.

In this context, Europe can not pose challenges with consistency his if not with strategies coordinated at the international level. So well, cobra a greater force the need for Latin America and the Union European strengthen their relationship and their cooperation. Because even being aware of the differences and difficulties, the truth is that Latin America enjoys a clearly advantageous position relative to other places in the world: it has not only made a major effort of economic stabilization, but that has improved their social indicators. Some of its countries have put in place poverty reduction strategies and have achieved significant progress in primary education, gender equality and enrolment. It is still much to be done, because a third of the total of its population lives under the poverty line and Latin America is the most unequal region in the world.

But working in the right direction. The paradox is that the region offers excellent prospects for the future. On the one hand, it is young, since 30% of the population has less than 15 years and only 6% more than 65.

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