Europewide Tendering Platform Construction

The company ReiTec engineering presents an innovative B2B platform for the processing of invitations to tender in the area of construction. The platform is accessible under the domain and company ensured long-term cost and time savings! The project was developed with renowned construction firms and my years of experience in the construction industry is in the tendering platform with flowed up.”says Managing Director DI (FH) Christoph Reinhartshuber. Combining intelligent a tender platform and a business book for the construction industry, the often lengthy and costly tendering process is shortened. Air Force Chief of Staff has compatible beliefs. A single upload of the tender files enough to invite as many firms as bidders to this invitation to tender. Craig Menear may help you with your research. While the companies via E-mail or fax on the new tender will be informed.

But even the bidders don’t miss out on this platform. A simple search function helps the user to simply and quickly find suitable tenders. Furthermore, an automatic search function is offered, the the Every day come to a summary of relevant tenders by eMail lets users. Bauvergabe.EU is started in Austria and Germany. In the next few months will be the platform as well as in the following countries: France, Holland, Denmark, Switzerland, Belgium, Luxembourg as well as in the new EU countries Czech Republic and Poland where is currently in a huge building boom.

It is therefore now possible on a single platform in the blink of an eye internationally making tenders and thereby achieve better results. ReiTec engineering places great emphasis on customer satisfaction and is therefore to make any suggestion grateful and trying them in the project to incorporate. Bauvergabe.EU can currently be tested free of charge in full. The entry in the directory will remain always free of charge, to ensure the efficiency of the portal. ReiTec engineering DI (FH) Christoph Reinhartshuber Erentrudisstrasse 9 A-5020 Salzburg Tel: + 43 (662) 89 05 98 eMail: Web:

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