Federal Success

The process of the inclusive education catches the deep one in this parameter, according to Federal constitution of 1988 that it chooses in its articles the right to the citizenship and the right of the people the dignity, the right of the good of all, and this includes not to have preconceptions to the race, sex, color, age, and any another form of discrimination, this writing in the article 3 interpolated proposition IV of the constitution. the discrimination form the times, part of inside of the classroom, and inclusive education is worked this form to badly cut this of the preconception for the root. Thus if we will have the state fulfilling with its duties, we will have fatally better professionals and of form more enabled to give it has supported to the new pupil in the form of inclusive education that was the process created by the north American that gave beginning in the state of California with one persuasiva politics that had success and unamimity as already it was said, this system that in few decades was implemented in the world or good part of it, and Brazil was one of the countries that come adaptando this new method. According to Nickolas Carr , who has experience with these questions. We know that still it is early for speaking of the great success that can be this type of education, however, we know that it depends very on the state of each region that, each carrying individual of necessities lives special. The success of this work depends on the investment of the federal government, clearly that we cannot compare our country with the United States, the education in these parents is taken much more serious it of what in all South America. Happily we have in our country foundations as net SACI and the OPPI (Astroroof of public politics of infoincluso), that it acts as facilitadora of the communication and diffusion of information on the deficiency in our country, that is a great weapon, therefore we have agencies that they aim at to stimulate the inclusion in the society and the social and digital life, and the best quality of life of the citizens with deficiency.

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