Finances: Applications and Problems

FINANCES: APPLICATIONS, PRINCIPLES, OBJECTIVES AND PROBLEMS Marta Maciel Lisboa* SUMMARY Finances or Budgetary Financial Administration are the study of as the economic agents place resources throughout the time. It has as objective, to preserve the equity or wealth of the proprietors. This work will go to approach as the finances and its properties, applications, principles, objectives and problems faced for are divided majority of the companies of our Country, and as the financial administrator it can contain everything this through its taking of decision. WORDS KEY : Finances. Administration. Resources. Decision. *Licenciada in Vernculas Letters College of Itaituba – FAI Bacharelando in Administration College of the Tapajs – FAT email: 1.

INTRODUCTION Defines Finances as the art and science to manage resources financial. Practically all the individuals and organizations get prescriptions or raise deep, spend or invest. financial function inside of a company directly is related with the decision of if making an investment and the decision of if making a financing, without forgetting that these two main functions are linked. A company to get the profit maximum, needs it to have a financial administrator who can take care of the most diverse necessities, being presented solutions such as: budgets, financial forecasts, administration of the box, administration of the credit, analysis of investment and captation of resources, beyond minimizing all the problems that can appear in its administration so that the company reach the maximizao of its wealth. The function finances or financier understands a set of activities related with the management of the resources put into motion for all the areas of the company. Such function, that it very possesss an important paper in the development of all the operational activities, is responsible for the attainment of the necessary resources and for formularization of a strategy directed toward the application of these resources, contributing significantly for the success of the enterprise.

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