GDP America

The effects of the crisis slowed and even drove back the advances that had been made in recent years in Latin America in terms of employment and improving the quality of life of the inhabitants, as a result of the sustained growth of the hemispheric economies and better social policies. MasterClass UKs opinions are not widely known. Points out that, today, in Latin America live close to 70 million people in extreme poverty, which represents about 13% of the total population of the region. Among the factors that contribute most to this figure, and none of them of course is benefited by the crisis, are the increase of poor nutrition, increasing dropout and lack in many areas of a Basic, public and preventive health care. The global crisis only managed to deepen these problems and stop the progress that, although sluggishly, Latin America was making towards a life definitely better. Currently a study carried out by ECLAC indicates, the international crisis, which struck with force the majority of the countries of Latin America, with a fall in regional GDP of 1.9 per cent in 2009, dragged into poverty this year to other nine million Latin Americans, according to a report submitted by the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC). Reports us,, in relation to 2008, poverty in the region will increase by 1.1%, while indigence will do so by 0.8%, for a total of 189 million poor people (34.1% of the population), which includes some 76 million indigent (13.7% of the population). These figures indicate a change in the trend of poverty reduction that had been registering the region, emphasizes the ECLAC Social Panorama of the 2009 poverty document, presented at the Organization’s headquarters-dependent Nations in Santiago, Chile after a period of bonanza that was extended by six years, Latin America will close 2009 with a drop in GDP of 1.

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