General Product

Overview: You will see this type of review very often when you look at other sites of affiliates. They are very brief and very General reviews, perhaps are only 1 or 2 paragraphs, with stars indicating the score of each product, with the image of the product and a link from affiliate to the merchant page. It is common that a page of this type have several products that are being described, so that visitors have an idea of which are the best products and which are the ones that the affiliate really do not recommend. These types of review has a very conventional structure and they are very effective, why? Reason 1: the descriptions are short, and really do not respond all questions of visitors, therefore, it will be willing to click the link from affiliate to have more information and so be taken to the merchant page through the link from affiliate. Reason 2: visitors can see which is the product that has the highest recommendation (through the stars).

And again, will be willing to check the product on the page of the merchant due to the need for information and learn more about product reason 3: visitors prefer to read a brief review that read an entire page full of letters. In this State, the visitor is simply browsing quickly without stopping much to read, but rather to look at the images and see what is available for the. The time we have to capture their attention is very short and a short review goes straight to the point. When you write this mole of reviews, get it credible, not just write something that seems purely promotional. Be honest or at least tries to seem honest. He writes of the good and also bad. Not you give for each product the maximum score, that’s not realistic, unless you explain very well why give you both score.

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