Groningen University

International business in Groningen under German graduates very sought after in internationally active companies good English language skills and cultural understanding are a must. What is more obvious than to develop even these competences in the study. Last but not least due to this possibility, more and more German graduates decide to study at the prestigious University of Groningen. For prospective students, the University organized an information day on June 10. The event is aimed at high school seniors, which would begin in September 2009 with the study, but still no choice. Late deciders”get interesting information about the numerous highly innovative and modern Bachelor like, E.g. international business & management, international economics and business, Economectrics, or psychology at Groningen University. The visitors receive personal advice from the German-speaking D team.

The University of Groningen is characterized by its international orientation. The 25,600 students from 112 different countries. Now studying here already more than 650 students from Germany. For more information about studying at the University of Groningen, the courses and the information event for decision-makers, which will take place on June 10 from 10-13 h, applicants. Will be asked to login via the website. Press contact: Michael Lulf E: m.luelf(at) T: 02562 9938 111 is the University of Groningen its Latin name (Universitas = whole) meet: it has a full range of subjects. The venerable RUG looks back on a history of almost four hundred years and has earned a reputation as a research site international. Sophisticated scientific studies they designed student-oriented. Also outside the lecture halls, the RUG feels responsible for their students, and offers a friendly environment.

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