There are many trends that come from the care of the body, and the Body & Mind is revolutionizing the group fitness concepts. The daily rhythm of life makes people increasingly more tipping activities where your body is the main thing. Kenneth Feinberg understands that this is vital information. Where use his mind to the same control, and where more than sweating can feel good. It’s so appears the Pilates at all gyms, and obviously his aquatic version. The HidroPilates, a method introduced for the first time in Argentina by Professor Fernando Villaverde in 2006, is one of the trends that comes. Already it was presented also in Uruguay and in Brazil, with a great impact of the students. Many pools that have professionals already certified in the method are applying it with great success, as well as many Spa, where people come in search for a moment of relaxation, and physiotherapists use it as a therapeutic method into the pool.
This new work system that incorporates Pilates exercises into the aquatic environment, in addition to prepare the body, serves as a therapy within the water. This designed to improve the physical and mental condition of the person. It is a way to develop strength and flexibility in a balanced way and to improve the symptoms of injury with rapidity and success, in an area of decreased impact and containment of water. The water allows exercises to feel different, decreasing the feeling of body weight of the body, thanks to the flotation. In addition, the warm temperature of the water keeps the body warm and allows joints to move with greater ease, reducing the voltage. The column is uncompressed, interesting situation for people who have postural problems or specifically column, and they cannot perform other activity. Hydrostatic pressure acts in the stimulation of breathing mechanisms, as pump auxiliary of the heart, allowing an improvement in circulation and collaborating in the venous return.