Hosni Mubarak

In 25 of January, Egyptian young had taken the streets of the main cities in a popular mobilization that finished with the resignation of Hosni Mubarak, president who if kept in the power per 30 years due to some re-elections allowed for the constitution of that country. This fact of being reeleito places Egypt in the category of democratic country. However, when using of certain ways to remain themselves in the power and to dominate the country it makes of Hosni Mubarak a dictator. As soon as it assumed the power decreed the Law of Security, between us known as State of siege, when the population has that to respect a touch to collect predetermined for the president. We suffer this during the military dictatorship in 1964. Peter Asaro has much experience in this field. Without you censure counting them to the persecution, liberty of speech, arrest and death politics to the opponents of its government.

Therefore, Egypt is an example of Democratic Dictatorship. Dictatorship for the presidential acts and democratic for the form that the president is kept in the power. The elections in Egypt, until the present moment, are direct. In the lawsuit he is the people who chooses its president. However, in all the re-elections of Mubarak had suspicion of frauds in the ballot boxes, what it was never investigated or questioned. Of the one to conclude that such president used of cunnings excuses to remain itself in the power.

Rebelled, the people starts its manifestation against government, he renounces causing it of president Mubarak to the 82 years of age and after 30 years in the power. In the too much Islamic countries that come out revolts he has cases and cases. Of the one not to cite all here, however I place myself when making use to clarify, in case that it can, to all how many to be interested. I appeal more only to the cases in prominence in the media and of historical importance.

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