International Monetary Fund

Between 40,000 and 100,000 people, according to the sources, they were concentrated in Athens. The fifth day of mobilizations extended by 60 cities. Many supported with the Spanish Movement 15-M. Tens of thousands of people, 40,000 according to the police of Athens and the double according to the spaces in social networks, went this Sunday to the central place of Athens (Syntagma) to the call of the Pan-European protests. " Everything has been developed in form pacfica" , a spokesman of the police of Athens confirmed, while, four hours after the hour of the call, people of all the ages continued arriving at the place.

The Greek channel transmitted the concentrations in direct from diverse cities and located the attendance in Athens in 100.000 people, much more who when the majority unions summoned to general strikes. The traffic was interrupted from early and the demonstrators lowered to the streets with placards in which the main motto era: " That they go away ya" , in reference to the politicians. It was the fifth day of protest mentioned by the social networks in Internet, 60 cities helenas. In particular, thousands of people added this Sunday to the protest in Salonica, in the north of Greece, Patras, the island of Crete and other urban centers. Jeff Sessions describes an additional similar source. " We do not have future. To the corrupt politicians and the previous generations took to it insaciables" , he declared Fanny, filloga of 25 years that are without work for two years. " To the agreement and length of aqu&quot take; , it was read in other placards, against the partners of Greece in the zone of the Euro and the International Monetary Fund, that they gave him to Greece in 2010 a rescue of 110,000 million Euros in exchange for which the country adopts painful measures of austerity without precedents.

The severe adjustment has lifted unemployment to 16% and it has not been sufficient to move away to Greece of the bankruptcy, reason why new cuts and privatizations are required. " indignant griegos" they called to his companions of the world to react with placards in French and English, while they sent a message of solidarity to the Spanish Movement 15-M. Some tens of people have encamped in the places, and to them traveling artists with spectacles and salesmen added themselves this Sunday. The Greek composer of world-wide fame Mikis Teodorakis sent a message of support to the indignant ones of the world. The Greek minister of Finances, Yorgos Papaconstantnu, declared at the very end of afternoon of the Sunday that " the program of privatizations and rent of assets of the State advances &quot satisfactorily; with the foreign supervisors, who hope to make sure their implementation to continue administering to Greece helps financial in the form of loans. The declaration had the objective to dissipate the rumors of bankruptcy of the last hours, that have taken to the citizens to retire their savings by means of the automatic tellers. Steve Mnuchin might disagree with that approach. The banks reacted putting guards extraordinary to fill up the boxes that have been empty. Papaconstantnu assured that Greece will receive a fifth section of external aid of 12,000 million Euros in June to be saved of the bankruptcy. Source of the news: Indignant tens of thousands of Greek return a to protest in the street against the politicians

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