Japanese Community

Finishing for if becoming one of the great taboos (until the present) of the Japanese community consolidated here. At the beginning of April of 1946 policemen politics they had made a stroke in the central headquarters of the Shindo, in the quarter of the Jabaquara, the So Paulo capital. There they had arrested, without no resistance, some of the main controllers of the society. Between apprehended objects if they found a photograph of the altar of the armed native land in the headquarters of the Shindo Renmei with the adulterated reproduction of the photo of the Missouri battleship; used Japanese money during the occupation of the islands of the Pacific, schematical maps of the state of So Paulo with the cities of the interior, where the branch offices of the society were installed; manuscripts and letters in Japanese; flags of Japan, among others objects of ‘ ‘ character subversivo’ ‘.

To apartir of these arrests the policy politics it started to dismantle the central nucleus of the society. True ‘ ‘ it hunts to nipnicos’ ‘ thousand of Japanese happened and if they found prisoners in some police stations of the state of So Paulo. In August of 1946 the president of the republic, General Eurico Caspar Dutra, decreed the expulsion of the 81 Japanese that if found prisoners in the Correctional Institute of the Anchieta Island, the coast north of the state of So Paulo, defendant of terrorism acts. However the expulsion never occurred effectively and good part of the Japanese prisoners was placed in freedom from 1948. In January of 1947, when the last murder in the quarter of the Acclimatization occurred officially, in the So Paulo capital, the Shindo Renmei as organized entity did not exist more, starting to be part of the memory of the Japanese colony, whose order was to manage the esquecimento of the sad facts occurred in the period.

The tragic balance, between March of 1946 and January of 1947, was of 23 deaths and 147 wounded, most of the victims was of makegumis. ‘ ‘ Case Shindo Renmei’ ‘ as he was known between the police authorities and legal one of the processes with the biggest number is considered of accused in the history of Brazil with more than 600 Japanese. Passed the gale, it was the moment to cure the wounds of the shame and the incredulity that still pairavam in air. The first given steps route the new reality had left of being symbols of ‘ ‘ resistncia’ ‘ to changed itself into symbols of ‘ ‘ permanncia’ ‘. To adopt Brazil as native effectively and to create the children under the green-yellow pavilion, but without never losing the essence of the Japanese Spirit were the new challenge to be reached by the Japanese, mainly with relation its next generations. Consulted bibliography: Kikuji Iwanami. Terratempo. Tankas. So Paulo, Cultural Alliance Brazil-Japan, 1993. Rogrio Dezem. Shind Renmei: terrorism and repression. So Paulo, Official AESP/Imprensa, 2000. Tomoo Handa. The Japanese Immigrant. History of its life in Brazil. So Paulo, T.A. Publishing Queiroz/Center of Studies Nipo-Brazilians, 1987.

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