John Namibe

We wait the results of the admission test, until day 15 of April of 2005, in addition, forgetting went me our Kamba that worked in the Reitoria of UAN (Universidade Agostinho Neto), I I speak of the Tania, a very advanced young of culture, held well, and friend of all, knows to conserve the ethics in the seio of the work as well as in its day to the day, it is gentile and she always informed in them on the tests, when she leaves the results, because we lived very distant of the reitoria, for not spending money very the taxi, we know that I transit in Luanda very it is agitated and it is never arrived in the place that you intend to in time go due the eventual bottlings, the population agitation, and other factors that become the capital each barulhenta time. On this day the Tania, telephoned in them saying that the results already had left and that it already sees our result, was ' ' APTO' ' , on this day, I and the John are very happy and count to our family, to our friends and relatives; all were glad, change Kandandos, some also thought to give a party for we, then, in the Monday we were to the college of Letters, located arrests in it, we were to have with the Dr. Hope of the Coast (Pro-director of the UAN), it said in them to make the luggages, and that in day 25 of April, she was necessary our presence in the Namibe for confirmation you register of them the Polar region of the Namibe; from there, we inform our parents, them they had accepted the idea and they had financially contributed materially and our trip to the Namibe (land of the Welwitcha Mirabills). Then, we made the luggages and we program to break friday saw terrestrial, the John day before was to the Rock Young chicken, if to make entire about the price of the transports, that leave of Luanda to the Benguela; it happens that, in the friday that we planeamos to leave, possible the lack of media did not have, wants to say, I not yet I had telephone, John had but one was with varies and led agency where it has bought to fix, because before at the moment the purchase, the agency gave a stated period to it of 3 months in case that it had damages in the device, for the had exchange; we wait all day, wants to say, in this friday my anxiety increased to go to the Namibe, and the John who did not appear during the day, everything this started to scare me, because soon I thought, goes to lose the vacant to the college in the Namibe; but, she did not delay, there for return of 19h30, the John finally appears, saying that they had not obtained to fix its telephone, but we can travel tomorrow with the telephone of its namorada one, name Irene, a good muio young woman, treated well the John very and already she was presented in house, all liked it, and it and the Tania had helped them in this Luanda trajectory very? Namibe.

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