
A successful meeting on Thursday and Friday the light wind fanatics were fully at their own expense. At 7 to 14 knots was not much to do. He compensated for those who like to travel with small kites Saturday and Sunday. On Sunday the Sun was finally, so that those who have so long held despite the bad weather, were rewarded. Even if kiting is the Central and unifying element, so community members were also this year again for numerous other promotions.

There was Indo, Slackline, diabolos, Frisbee and all the camp fire broke down on Friday night. This brought many extra wood. The Spotspy meeting is a meeting of the community and it is designed by the members as well as the online community. Therefore nothing is big organized in advance. The motto is plain and simple: “who has something that it can take at the meeting, which it brings.” So everyone has seen many new faces, new friendships have made it and it pleased everyone on the next meeting. On Spotspy.NET there is the easy exchange between Kiteboarders, no matter whether they are on land, on water or in the snow kite. A huge collection of photos and videos on the subject of kite surfing, wakeboarding and surfing, information on spots with individual wind forecast, a materials database, most of the available kites and boards are verzweichnet, discussion forums, and much more..

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